Monday, March 10, 2008


1. Cause of death (check one only)
Suicide_ Natural Causes_ Homicide_xxx_
It was homicide

2. Explain cause of death (in detail)
The cause of death was homoside .We think that they died from the cause of homoside because of choice elimination and some other reasons. We know it couldn't be suciede because they were a good civilization and they had no problem with each other, and it could not be natural causes because the climate and land was fine accourding to resources. We also think its homoside because they had enemies, outside arimes who envyed their socialization, and rich civilization they wanted what they had so therefore we think it has to be because of homoside.

Witness Interviews

  • Describe all sources used (art work, journal entry, etc):
    There was tape on the floor to show the outline of the
    body, a letter written in spanish, a bullet, a gold pan, and a torn map.

  • These sources also show and prove that the breakdown of the civilization was homoside. As you can see there is a bullet there and from that we can all infer that there was a war or they were fighting or something, they were all equiped with tools for the war.

  • You can also see a letter written in spanish which is another evidence that proves the spaniards were involved in the war.

2. Who created sources:
The textbook and the website internet.

3. Dates of testimony:
4. State siginficance of each witness along with specific details. Reasons for belief of homicide:

  • Tashinique- I think it was homicide because they had outside enemies.
  • Freddy- I think so because of the war and snake attack they had.
  • Kezia- I believe so because of the wars and the fact that the civilization was built on a mountain.
  • Thramain-I think so because their civilization was built upon a mountain, with high walls surrounding their community. A civilization doesn't just put up a civilzation on a mountain with walls for nothing.

  • Leticia Blanco-I think it's homocide because there was a lot of violence

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Victim's Cultural Background

  1. Languages spoken: Quechua
  2. Description og government: Ayllu: .....
  3. Description of economic system: .....
  4. Description of religious beliefs: Many physical and human resources funneled into religious activities.....

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Physical Description of Victim

  1. Age at time of death: 68 years old (1400-1532)
  2. Country of origin: South America
  3. Approx. size of population: 1,028,763 people
  4. Significant Geographical Features: The Andes mountains
Detective Names: Tashanique Bagaloo, Leticia Blanco, Kezia Gibbs, Freddy Moise, Thramain Rodney

Name of Victim: Inca

Homicide Evidence

Bird eye view of walled in Inca civilization.

Francisco Pizarro

Francisco Pizarro is said to be the man who conquered the Inca impire. He told us in an interview all about how he did it. He talked about how he cought them in a surprise attact and how it was easy because the were weakened, there were two half brothers who fought against each other cause they both wanted to rule. He also tells about his slick idea about writing a letter to the king. To learn more about FRANCISCO PIZARRO and how he conquered the inca impire visit the link of the interview.

The Incas were obviously afraid of something or someone, if they had their civilization built on a mountain surrounded by walls.